Two Year Anniversary!

Today is the second anniversary of us acquiring the land. It was love at first sight for us, standing there on the Kaimu hillside, in April of 2017- the hypersaturated color and open horizon, the mature fruit trees and the feeling of magic. The owners had long vacated and left shacks and debris and a leaking container home. Jeff and Amie and their little boys were inhabiting one of the structures. We set about manifesting the vision. The first 6 months went pretty well- making the moon cabin into a temporary home (a love shack in the winter rains and a haven of tranquility), clearing the land, upgrading systems, finding a rhythm, listening to the what wanted to be born here. And then not so well for a while. Disagreements and budgets and artistic debates and differing values. Conflicts between the guys.

Then Pele made the decision for us: she shook the land so strongly that only a few people remained. David Art Lawell filmed the sunrises and skyscapes through the smoke and painted a mural of her using the glassy brown “hair” coming off the volcano. Ken Reid heroically rescued and salvaged all summer long, taking the community in his arms. When she stopped flowing, we had a decision to make, changed the plans somewhat and ended up choosing to repair the damage and see the commitment and vision through. Craig and Lauren and Megan showed up, and the rest is miraculous.

John Shiva Gray and I are overjoyed by Suzanne Sterling’s message below, as she leaves the land after an Artist in Residence period. This is what we hoped for.

2 years in, there are a few more things to complete, a well, a gathering space, Craig has a vision for a propagation and extraction/pressing space. My daughter dreams of a nanofarm. Our much dreamed-of pradakshina pathway. We will get to them eventually. In the meantime, the family of writers and artists and yogis and friends that have come is our pure joy. We are hoping this will be a semi public garden and a benefit to the community as it unfolds. Thank you to everyone who worked on it or contributed in some way. Happy 2nd anniversary, New Earth Mandala.

All love and gratitude.

Christine and Shiva