Happy Fall Equinox!

The seasonal shift is a great time to check in with yourself- what’s working, what’s not, what’s your desire, where do your skills and desire meet what the world needs now?

In our community, we are working on the inner equinox: staying even-keeled in storms and change. For example, we practice tracing our response to external triggers. We notice what happens in our bodies when someone says something unpleasant or we witness a climate disaster or read a barbed headline. We see how that hits our nervous system, we examine what beliefs underlie the trigger, what past experiences are being touched- and we learn to relax into our bodies and into the feeling until it passes. Not only does it mean we are living from a centered and more enjoyable place, it means we don’t make decisions from an unintegrated or fearful mindsets. We decide what to do together from our wisdom, not our trauma. By not clinging to what was real decades ago, or even last week, we are present with what is, right here, right now. An added bonus is that this cultivates resilience and cheerful adaptability, in each of us as individuals, and in the community itself.

Maybe try it yourself: just for a day, don’t go any faster than you can feel. Slow down enough to notice your body’s response to everything it experiences. That includes things we can be numbed out to, things that have faded into ambient stress. Practice being fully present. The world needs resilient nodes on the network.