Tag Archives: permaculture

Coffee Plants and Other Farm Updates

Earth Provides the Mocha

In a moment of silliness, we joked about having a “mocha garden” on the land: coffee, cacao, vanilla, miracle berry or stevia, cane sugar. So fast forward..there are a few 3-foot tall coffee plants, and last year we saw the first beans. AND now, there are 55 new seedlings which will eventually be translated to the sunny slope under lotus. This is part of the 5-year plan!

The crew started coffee in the nursery, and this week we began putting the plants into the sunny terraces below lotus house. Beck is getting masterful with the little tractor,

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Meet Anthurium, One of Our Specialties

Meet Anthurium: An architectural beauty, a NASA clean air plant, hermaphroditic – but toxic to mammals if eaten.

Anthurium is a genus of flowering herb, with more than 1000 varietals and cultivars. At Sundari, we’re cultivating a wide variety of Anthurium, mostly derived from anthurium andraeanum, and they are little easter egg surprises of color in wide swaths of tropical greens. Anthurium is loved as a houseplant because it likes warm, humid, shade- and it cleans the air- and for cut flower arrangements.

The Spathe
This is the vibrant lance or heart-shaped, waxy, brightly colored part of the plant….

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The Trees of New Earth Mandala: Free Book

We just finished putting together a little book about the trees on property, which include, Avocado, Banana, Breadfruit, Coconut, Guava, Gunpowder, Lilikoi, Lime, Macadamia, Mango, Orange, Neem, Noni, Papaya, Starfruit, Tangerine…and more!

We’re thrilled to offer you this image rich booklet contains a short description on of the tree, it’s food and medicinal uses. We hope that everyone who visits will get a sense of how the land provides, and will enjoy the foods and fruits that grow on property.

Click here to download!

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