Tag Archives: ecology

The Return to Earth, and the Body as Wholly Holy

matasundari imagine


For She So Loved the World
For g-d so loved the world 
She breathed you into being
She dreamt your lovers awake
and blessed you with
daughters and sons
She devised warm kisses
Hot springs
New moon nights
Mountain Vistas
The Milky Way
She imagined slipper orchids
Pink lace agate
Black sea urchins
Tigers and cobras
She placed food and medicine
all around you 
on bushes in fields
in oceans
on trees
and gave you fresh water to drink
and green pastures to lie in
She also gave you spring 
This hyacinth remembering 
That life wants itself
That resilience is in your core code
That the sun always rises
That no matter what humans do to each other
There is no death
Just now and always 
A return to the light

She so loved the world
that she simply LOVED the world.

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